
Preserving the Jewels of Islaamic Knowledge

Don’t Listen to the Whispers of Shaytan

Posted by tayybahppn on April 8, 2009


قال صلى الله عليه وسلم
إن الشيطان قعد لابن آدم بأطرقه فقعد له بطريق الإسلام، فقال: تسلم وتذر دينك ودين )
آبائك وآباء آبائك فعصاه فأسلم، ثم قعد له في طريق الهجرة فقال له: تهاجر وتدع
أرضك وسماءك، فعصاه فهاجر، ثم قعد له في طريق الجهاد، فقال: تجاهد فهو جهد
النفس والمال، فتقاتل وتقتل فتنكح المرأة ويقسم المال، فعصاه فجاهد، فمن فعل ذلك
كان حقاً على الله أن يدخله الجنة، ومن قتل كان حقاً على الله أن يدخله الجنة، وإن
غرق كان حقاً على الله أن يدخله الجنة، وإن وقصته دابته كان حقاً على الله
أن يدخله الجنة) رواه الإمام أحمد وهو حديث صحيح


Prophet Muhammad  said,


Shaytaan sits in the path (of every good action) that the son of Aadam (may try to take). He sat in front of him when he took the path to Islam and told him, ‘how could you leave the religion of your fathers and your fore-fathers?’ But he disobeyed him and became Muslim. Then Shaytaan sat in front of him in his path to Hijrah and said, ‘How could you leave your land and your sky?’ But he disobeyed him and migrated (from Makkah). Then he sat in front of him in his path of Jihaad and said, ‘Why should you do Jihad? It will only exhaust your wealth and body. You’ll be killed, your wife will marry someone else, and your wealth will be divided (to others).’ But he disobeyed him and went for Jihad.” Rasul Allah then said, “Whoever does this, it is a duty upon Allah that He shall enter him into Jannah!”

[Ahmed and it is classified as Sahih]

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